Hello, my fine Ferret-Loving friends!  Please allow me to introduce
myself.  I'm sure most of you know my Wise and All-Knowing cousin THE
ORACLE. (distant.....on my Mother's side...twice removed!) {Well, they
tried to remove her twice, but she wouldn't go!}
I am.... (drum roll, please)... The Spectacle.  I have come on the this
auspicious occasion to inform you all of a great event that will be taking
place toward the end of the month!  An event that even my dear cousin-
The Oracle knows nothing about!  Aw...yes....she is not as all-wise and
all knowing as she pretends to be!  The event...one of great importance.. .
one that must be celebrated by all is.....wait!  Someone approaches!
Robed in purple and smelling of Depends...I must depart!  I will return,
my ferret-loving friends, and fill you in on the details of this great
event!  Soon!
I will return....soon!
[Posted in FML issue 3699]