Since having a ferret room again where my spiteful fuzzies can have free
roam, I have had much more success than I did the last time.  For the most
part they use every single one of their litter boxes and the newspaper I
lay around.  I clean their litter twice a day but sometimes if I don't
have much time I only do it once a day.  If there is more than two poops
in a litter box or one on a newspaper they will not go there again.  So
they decide to poop on the bare floor.  This wouldn't be so big a deal
since it's always just one or two HOWEVER, it's always by the door to
the room so when I open the door it smooshes!  Anyone have this problem?
Could you give me advice on the door pooper smoosher problem?
Julia and her spiteful ferrets: Othella the acrobat, Liam the poet, Willow
the beauty queen, and Piper the charmed one.
[Posted in FML issue 3682]