>He doesn't have the rubber fetish Chance had, so remotes and cell phones
>are safe.
Please don't take this the wrong way; I would never flame someone - I
only want to offer a word of caution.  Please don't ever assume anything
like this is ever safe from the ferrets.  Some times they spontaneously
will change their habits.  (I think it's to keep us on our toes!)  I have
never had a problem with cloth-eating, yet 2 nights ago I was searching
for a ferret in one of their common hidey-holes when I found one of my
sweaters...with THREE quarter sized to silver dollar sized holes eaten
in it!  Needless to say, it scared me... & I don't even know who did it!
(We're just watching for any signs of blockages...)
Sterling, Pandora, & Jasmin
[Posted in FML issue 3698]