I have only encountered a severe cryer once.  Now luckily since I don't
work, I honestly just exhausted myself picking her up out of the cage
every time.  I held her as I was on the computer, held her as I vacuumed,
etc etc etc.  My husband carried her cage into our bedroom each night..
and that helped.  She saw us there, and cried less.  I knew too if she
cried three feet in front of me she was ok, and surely not truly scared or
anything.  I got upset when I'd go out though, and come home to hear her
squawking.  I'd wonder if the poor thing had cried the entire time I was
She outgrew it some, but still cried at times.  I took the hard advice of
a friend.... and put her cage right next to other ferrets in the ferret
room so she would find their company equally comforting.  But honeslty she
did not stop until I could pretty much trust her to be out on her own WITH
other ferrets.
If you baby is alone... gosh.... I'd just put her in a carry cage if she
is not free roam so she is at your feet.  I'd not worry about it and pick
her up and hold her (even if she squiggles a lot).  I think my baby cried
because she was so young.  I think perhaps she may have been a little
younger than other kits I"ve had or just more immature.  Her teeth
indicated she was the same age as any other kit.  ::throwing up my hands::
but who knows.  I never found a good solution.  I think I did alright
though.  I mean she outgrew it...and because I held her so much...she is
the cudliest baby girl I've ever had.
Please visit:
for information on ferret deafness:
[Posted in FML issue 3660]