I'd like to commend Katie on a very well written post.  Our society
unfortunately insists on slapping a label on anyone that expresses an
opinion or stands up for what they believe in.  I personally refuse to
recognize this.  But if being a radical means defending and preserving the
life of all creatures great and small then sign me up!  Yes, I get carried
away and misword things sometimes ( as in a previous FML list), but I get
so damn upset at people that are in this life for nothing but the almighty
buck that sometimes my emotions just take over.  And to think this ebayer
would not even think of rewording her listing when requested VERY kindly,
just makes my blood boil.  Yes, I start hammering on this keyboard
sometimes without thinking things completely through.  But this fur
business is something that I have absolutely NO tolerance for.  Good
grief, I can't even bring myself to bite the head off a gummy bear and
people are actually profiting from the skins of animals??????  It's bad
enough that animals are slaughtered for food but to think that someone
would profit from the skin of an animal like a ferret.  ABSOLUTELY
UNCONSCIONABLE!!!!  Our ferrets, our babies, our little sweetie faces
that look to humans as THEIR friends and companions as we do to them.  I
love them as I do any human (and probably more than most humans I know)
for they love without condition.  My ferrets show me so much love, they
run to me and climb up my leg, perching on my shoulder just to be close.
Sometimes they do it to go to sleep but some will just lay there very
contently, wide awake just for some quality mommy cuddle time.  I probably
don't even posess the vocabulary it would take to express my feelings on
this subject but I'll telly you what does.  Check out Jim Carrey in "When
Nature Calls" and note his reaction when he walks into the room full of
taxidermied animals.  That says it all.  I truly think that it is the
responsibility of all FML'rs, whether they be Ebayer's or not to express
their outrage on this issue.  There is strength in numbers folks.
Kim Fox
Somethin Up My Sleeve Rescue
[Posted in FML issue 3652]