Baby Snatchin!
Hi All!
YOur best buddy Jerimiah Ferret Wise here!  well so much happening I can
hardly sneak to the puter to tell you all.  Right now we is having is
snoflakes ( which means lot of white fluffy stuff to lay in soon) and I
gotta minute to tell ya some fun stuff.  The other night we got an extra
play time.  It was before the new kid came and Mom said there was extra
time- so out we wre!  Which is so much fun fort all of us!  Anywho late at
night Mom had been busy up stairs in the sewing room whipping up warm beds
for somebody-- she comes down and makes our townhouse all comfy and gets
us all tucked in.  I was waiting for our bedtime snack but I waited and
waited..  Rex then let me know Mom was calling for Marie- Seems Marie was
no where to be found!  Well I watched the Mom as he is moving stuff and
tossing clean bedding here & there she looked kinds funny I do believe!
Then she spied something -- I saw her LOOK!  There were some new babies in
the tube -- the tiny cuddle baby toys the gal ferrets ( and Nestle) like.
Now the big tube that Beanie gave us runs all around the out side of the
wall- behind the cages and beside the baseboard heaters-- a cozy place on
a winter night!  Mom was studying the tube and walked along the wall--
BABIES!  here and there -- and in the middle of the tube length- behind
our townhouse -- a full heap o babies with Mama Marie standing guard!
Well I can't tell you how long it took Mom to get Marie out of the 50 foot
section of tube.  But instead of being mad-- she was just so relieved.  We
all got extra snacks that night!!!
We have a new kid in- who has never seen another ferret and was kept in a
shed- he is afraid of folks too but Mom is working a lot with him- lucky
guy- even though he doesn't think so right now.  I will tell you all about
him once he l;earns he is a ferret!
These is plenty of snuggly hammies beds and some gifty things on ebay if
you are looking for a special thing.  Just hop on over and check the stuff
out at:
And all us kids here will be very thankful -- cuz we will get bedtime
treats every night!
Have a great week can't wait to play in the snow!
Jerimiah Ferret Wise
[Posted in FML issue 3666]