My friend Kat Parsons has a striking afghan on ebay!  She is selling it
to help pay for medicine and medical treatment for many rescues she has
adopted and taken in.  I don't think many people realize how much she
gives in taking in many sweeties. :)  Anyway she showed it to me, and I
just thought it was really neat looking.  It's double thick so its warm,
and durable.  I have an afghan made by her and my hubby is very rough on
it, not to mention all the ferrets he sleeps with in it...and it still
looks spanking new.  So I can personally vouch for how great they are.
Our ferrets love to just lie their heads on ours cause its soooo soft.
Anyway, take a look..  its really wonderful!
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for information on ferret deafness:
[Posted in FML issue 3666]