Gentle readers of the FML.
I am very upset, no...mad, right now at the ignorance and inability of
some people to see past their self important noses.
Last week, I made the following observation on a ferret group I belong
to.  Nothing destructive, nothing said about mismanagement of the lottery,
nothing said about how the numbers were picked, no one attacked in any
manner.  I only made an observation.  Yet, by the time it was read and
reported to parties unknown, feelings got ruffled and they decided to
distort the facts until it was told to Mr. Mullon, who now feels hurt
about his very generous donation.  (And, even though I have nothing to
apologize for, Mr. Mullon, I am sorry these petty people reported these
distortions of fact to you.  You have absolutely nothing to feel slighted
about.  I really do wish you had won Kat Parsons GREAT afghan!  I commend
you for your support to the is people like you who keep these
wonderful groups going!)
Frankly, I am owed a public apology here on the FML.  (And ***NOT*** from
Mr. Mullon) I doubt it will come...the person or people who made these
distortions of fact are probably too weak, characterwise, to come out and
admit they were wrong.  So..surprise me, do so...I would love to be called
on the carpet for making the above statement.
Here is the original statement I made, on 28 December, 2001
Not even any soap.  (Should, in all fairness, be a rule that only one
winner per raffle.....obviously J.  Mullon bought a box full of raffle
tickets, but it really isn't fair to any of the other raffle ticket
purchasers to have him/her win 6 of the 10 soap prizes.
Sour grapes I know, but...obviously, they aren't used to running raffles
and know about setting certain rules....One has to be fair to all raffle
ticket holders.  I AM happy for J. Mullon, but, with that many wins in
the consolation prize department, they may have a more difficult time
getting participants at the next raffle.
I am glad they were able to raise $420 for the shelter though...that will
help greatly!
End of quote.
For Our Ferrets
MC, The Rude One
(With Snorkle, Tuzigoot, Bancho, and Artemus.  In spirit, Bubba,
Billy-Bob, and Garret)
[Moderator's note: Frankly, if people have questions about how SOS
distributes or collects funds, I'm all for airing them.  No, I'm NOT at
all angry -- actually, I'm happy to clear the air for anyone who has
doubts.  For everyone who questions SOS' methods there are probably a
dozen who WANT to question but are too shy too do so.  There is NOTHING
to hide here, and IMHO instead of being angry, we should welcome any
opportunity to demonstrate the integrity and honesty of the people
runnning SOS.  I'd only be angry if there was something to hide.  There
isn't.  So question away.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 3651]