My name is Alan and i recently homed a n albino from a ferret sanctuary.
He is a huge albino called Rolo and he has settled into life in our home
very well.
My further reason for this email is to attempt to answer a question that
has been puzzling me.
I heard that Pole Cats have a cranial ridge that runs from between the
eyes to the back of the skull.  I have noticed that Rolo has such a
cranial ridge, and given the fact that his mother was brought to the
rescue centre whilst pregnant and his father is unknown, i was wondering
whether he had some Pole Cat in him?
Can anyone help me with this enquiry?
Although i have heard that Pole Cats can be more aggresive than Ferrets, I
am not worried about the possibility, because he is a big softy and really
does not pose a thret to anyone, so much so that i honestly believe that
he doesnt know that he could bite even if he wanted to.
I hope to hear from you soon,
Many thanks,
Alan & Rolo.
[Posted in FML issue 3664]