After reading NEFFER's wonderful post about fostering shelter ferrets, I
felt it's time to post about Buddy.  Please consider opening your home to
a foster ferret.  I won't lie, the heartbreak if they pass away can be
terrible, but the daily joys make it worth the risk.
Buddy's story...
Buddy and his sister Holly were originally purchased from a flea market
pet seller.  Their owner divorced, re-married, and had a house filled with
his and her kids.  Holly and Buddy were filthy and had been neglected for
three years (confined to a cage).  When he was surrendered to Rocky's
Ferret Rescue & Shelter, Buddy was stoic... his nails were so long and
curled he couldn't walk.  He had adrenal disease.  Holly had a severely
swollen and infected vulva.  I brought them home on October 30, 2001 and
gave them all the love they deserved.  Buddy learned to waltze again and
was truly happy.  However, his stomach became enlarged and the vet felt a
tumor.  He went in for adrenal/exploratory surgery on January 11.  The vet
removed his enlarged speen (complete with tumor inside), a tumor from his
stomach, and tumors from both adrenals.  After finishing all that, he
prepared to close Buddy up and his heart simply stopped.  They weren't
able to revive him.  He died under anesthesia, so at least he didn't
feel pain.
Dear, sweet Buddy Boo-Bah, where do I begin?  I met you on October 30th.
We were taking pictures of adoptables and I pulled you out of your cage...
top right next to the playpen.  You looked like an old, decrepet version
of Murphy and I loved you at first sight.  I told Miss Barb that I wasn't
going to take your picture, that you were going home with me.  She said
your sister had to go with you and I met Holly.
Oh gosh, you were so ugly.  You had thinning hair, obviously adrenal.  You
were big and awkward even then, bless your heart you already had tumors I
bet.  You came home and stole every pair of silk panties you could find.
I let you have them, I wore cotton.  I wanted you to stake your territory,
to make yourself at home, to unpack your baggage.  I took the silkies back
one at a time as the weeks went by.  I went to the thrift and bought you
old silk clothes.  You loved your little blue silky shirt, you hated when
Mama took it to wash it.
You were Mama's Brother Bear.  You were always nice to your sister, Holly,
the Little Bear.  I will never forget your kisses, your pudgey gait, the
evening you napped on my chest.  Buddy, I'm so sorry I didn't tell you
about the Rainbow Bridge.  It'll be OK, Sunny will be there waiting for
you.  He'll show you around.  Enjoy yourself until Holly and I come for
We love you with all our hearts, Buddy Bear.  Goodnight sweet boy,
Mama, Daddy, Holly, Glenda, Thomas, Kncucklehead, Murphy, Potter, Peyton,
Jonah, and Pepper
Buddy's memorial
[Posted in FML issue 3664]