::A strange, white mist arises before you, and little, tiny, beautiful
 ferret creatures joyously run though it.  A motor is heard somewhere above
 and in front of you.  A depends has fallen from above at your feet and
 you grow more curious.  Then it appears.  A Red Radio Flyer wagon with
 hovering capabilities lands in front of you.  The ferrets dance and dook
 about excitedly.  A petite flower of a woman wearing a midnight blue robe
 steps out of the wagon.  She holds a staff with a furball handing on the
 end of it.  She walks towards you... ::
Greetings and salutations ferret puppets!  ::she chews gum vigoursously::
I came to see all the new ferret lovers here on the list.  Welcome
welcome!  You are now ferret slave love puppets.  Yes, yes.  I am the
great Robed One.  I am the Ferret Oracle.  Yes I am!  And I appear now
and then to bring you great gifts, and to bring you wonderful predictions.
For instance,
 ::she rummages through her wagon, a can of Bush beans falls out, and
   more depends fall out::
She whips out a gift for you:
 :;she then swoons with her hand on her forehead::
Oh puppets, so many predictions.  I predict that someone will win a
magnificent, big afghan at the ferret symposium.  I predict... that if
there is to be a Ferret of the Year, many a fine ferret will be nominated
and that it will be fun.  I predict that Sandee will guide many ferret
spirits up in heaven, and that Jubilee Spirit will greet all Kouri Klub
 ::she throws a dirty pooper scooper onto the ground, then walks over
 dramtically to it and examines the swirls in the poo::
I see a great rising of a great Klub.  I see the Kouri Fan Klub being
such a fun place for ferrets and ferret owners... and it being such
success.  I see it helping many fuzzies.... and helping SOS to help
ferrets.  OH weasil wuvers..... join joiiiiin Kouri Ferret Fan Club!!!
And I have great advice for new people on the FML.  Run out and buy the
book "Ferrets for Dummies" by Kim Schilling.  It's very affordable and I
can tell you it is dead on "you know what" accurate.  There is no better
book.  You can get it from most bookstores like Barnes and Nobles, or you
can order it from Amazon.com.
Now for the ceremony.  I must rid everyone of Ferret Nazi Spirits.  I must
clear the air, and cleanse everyones spirit.  This way you will be kind to
one another, considerate, and open minded about others opinions and ways
of doing things.  Here we go...
 ::she poises, then she hops in circles shaking her staff all over the
 place,,, shaking the hairball in this and then that directiong... she
 ends it with stomping the staff on the ground and shouting...::
 "Be gone yon Ferret Nazis!"
Well I'm exhausted ferret puppets.  So I'm going to climb into my wagon
and be off with a quick puff.
 ::in the background it is then you notice a man in the shadows with his
 arms crossed, and a solitary ferret on his shoulder.... he then leaves...
 dissapearing into the shadows::
 ::The mist escalates... and then with a great poof, she dissapears
 leaving you feeling as if you dreamed the whole thing........... then
 you hear from the sky...::
NO you didn't dream it puppet!!
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for information on ferret deafness:
[Posted in FML issue 3663]