Ferret Folks -
This past weekend we took in a "lost and found" little girl ferret (lost
in the Harrisville, RI area if anyone is looking for her.) She is young
and small, not a baby but certainly an adolescent.  Going to the vet on
In the meantime my three full grown male ferrets are very interested in
her but when I let two of them individually meet her, after a period of
sniffing they suddenly grabbed her roughly and held on while she screamed.
I immediately separated them of course but I was surprised at the
suddeness and ferocity of their moves on her.
Does anyone have an insights on why they might be attacking her, or ways
to gently introduce her to the group?  I've only had ferrets for a year
and a half and this is the first time I've tried an introduction.  I've
kept their cages near each other and they've been able to watch each other
when out playing.  Normally my boys are pretty easy going.  They can be
rough with each other playing though.  But I guess I expected more
gentlemanly behavior with a new little girl.  Any tips are welcome.
Thanks in advance
Carolyn Mills
[Posted in FML issue 3663]