This summer my vet (a very experienced ferret vet) shocked me when she
mentioned that my oldest ferret (only 2 1/2 years at the time) had
possible adrenal signs beginning.  She pointed out areas of slight hair
loss (on the lower belly and bottom of feet) and then casually said that
we would keep an eye on her (as tears were welling up in mine).  Since
then I find myself doing daily or weekly adrenal assessments.  I have
since looked into many sites with adrenal information so that I'll be
prepared to notice symptoms and know what happens next.  I find it a
very confusing and blurry line to susupect adrenal.
I would like to explain the changes I've noticed in her and am hoping
that owner's whose fuzzies have battled adrenal can tell me personal
signs or experiences they had with their babies.
Mikette (my possible adrenal baby) lost more fur on her lower belly, and
bottom of feet during the summer - those spots became pretty much bare.
The vet said it was fine to wait til her next appt in Oct.  By then she
had grown all that fur back.  I was afraid it was just new winter growth
and that she would lose that as well.  She's been fine since then until
just this past week when I've noticed her fur down the insides of her
back legs seems a bit thinner.
Her vulva has not been swollen at all, although I did notice what seemed
like remains of discharge during the summer (when I was on high alert for
adrenal).  She got very thin during the summer and fall (you could feel
her chest bones sharply).  I gave her Ferretvite every other day and the
last few weeks her weight has finally come back.
She sleeps a bit more in the morning, but then is just as active when
she wakes up.  During the summer I noticed her cleaning her two fuzzie
sister's ears a lot, which is unlike her - but she seems to have stopped
this nurturing.  She is sligtly less aggressive with humans and her fuzzie
sisters during play, but she still wrestles, chases, and plays.
For awhile she seemed to have less of an interest in treats, it was as if
she couldn't smell them.  If one was broken then she would want it more.
She was still eating her kibble.
I noticed a strong ferret scent seemed to come from her.  They all get
stinky ears right before grooming days, but her scent just seemed to come
from all over her body.  It was the type of scent I always noticed on some
friend's ferrets but had never smelled on mine (maybe her scent was just
changing so I became more aware of it).  Her fuzzie sisters still cuddle
and sleep with her.
My last concern is that she often makes wimpering noises in her sleep (I
don't recall her doing this at all before).  It is usually in the evening
if she's taking a solo nap in the cage.  If I try to sweet talk her and
pet her it may stop for a moment, but then continues.  If I take her out
of the cage and let her sleep on my belly then it stops.
I'm sorry this post got so long, but if anyone has any similiar experience,
advice, or adrenal information please let me know.
Mikette is still seeing her vet and will have another check-up this spring
or earlier, but the wait and watch routine is difficult!
[Posted in FML issue 3662]