Our huge thanks for the pictures of Marshall Farms that we were made aware
of on the FML.
A reminder that Lisa from PETA was the one who first discovered that the
woman "sheltering" the ferrets appeared to be a collector, and that PETA
is responsible for our getting through to the organization that held the
Utah ferrets, and that in all the calls and E-mails, only PETA and the
Sanctuary in Utah replied.  PETA responded immediately.  No one has to
like them or parts of their organization.  But I will never forget what
they did for the Utah ferrets.
A congratulations for the discussion of MF to all those who wrote so
beautifully, sincerely, and without name calling.
And lastly, my sincere thanks to BIG for being such a wonderful moderator.
We are all VERY blessed to have this man.  GIG--you just keep getting
better and better.
Love and kisses to all the babies
[Posted in FML issue 3660]