Bryon posted regarding a tough decision he was having trouble making about
euthanizing (or not) his ferret.
Bryon, you asked us not to flame you (sorry I'm paraphrasing) for not
being able to make the decision.  I couldnt imagine criticizing someone
for having trouble making that decision.  Bryon, you wouldnt be human if
you werent having trouble making that decision.
Personally, I think you have to look at your baby's quality of life.  If
he seems to be in pain, isnt eating, being active, etc, then it might be
time.  As hard as it is, I think the biggest mistake we as pet owners make
is letting our feelings get in the way of the decision.  We make the
decision based on our feeling the loss of the ferret.  You havbe to try to
make the decision based on what's best for the ferret, not what makes you
feel the best.  I'm not saying that's where you're coming from at all
though, I just wanted to point that out.  Feel free to email me privately
if you want.  Take care.
Becky and Heather, legal in VT as of 10/12/01
The "A"-Team Abby, Andre and Annie...missing Ally (1/6/02)
Jack the Cat
Mendel and Madison, the mice
[Posted in FML issue 3660]