Hi Folks,
A big thank you to Sukie, Todd, Mary, and Valerie for the emails
concerning Sneak.  We had to help him cross the Rainbow Bridge last
night.  My Vet said he had Lymphosarcoma CNS.  It was neurological.  I
stayed with him and he had his favorite treat before he crossed.  I will
miss him terribly.  He was my first baby 9 1/2 years ago.  He was my only
one for 4 years so we bonded real close.  I think my two others, Chamois
and Pandi wish I would stop hugging and kissing them so much, but I can't
help it, I love them so much.  Hug all your fuzzies for me today.
Thank you,
Lisa, Chamois ,Pandi and my little old man who crossed- Sneak
[Posted in FML issue 3660]