Hi folks,
First things first: Beware of the "Petno" list posted about yesterday.  It
seems the vast majority of information on this site comes from PETA.  We
all know how many people at PETA feel about ferrets.  If you look at this
"Petno"'s information pages, under small animals, you will find several
heartwrenching stories about gerbils and hamsters with broken backs.
Look at the ferret section, and you will see an article from PETA about
Marshall Farms Beagels dying.  Don't go rushing into association with
these people just because you happen to agree with one thing they think.
Write a letter to Brian Devine if you want to, but I wouldn't bring up
where you got his address.
Mustelids ranking with Grizzlies, eh?  Well, that I can believe.
Mustelids are the largest group of carnivors.  They range from our little
domestic friend to the Wolverine who, besides humans, has no natural
predators.  In between are everything from badgers to 7 foot otters.
It doesn't surprise me that 4 humans die each year of "attacks" by
members of this group.
But I doubt that those deaths are "particularly pet ferrets attacking
babies." I'd like to see the numbers on that one.  I've actually heard of
three, maybe four such attacks, and only one or two of those can I
remember hearing the babies actually died.  Someone really ought to call
the author on that.
And I'd also like to know if he happened to mention how many dogs, who
are, in fact, predatory animals, kill humans each year.  Just the domestic
kind too, I don't want to know how many are killed by wolves.  The JAVMA
has a list to that effect.  Perhaps someone ought to point that out to
him as well.
On a slightly lighter note: I was talking with someone the other day about
my ferrets, and how I have gone on mac & cheese diets to afford vet care
and even just high quality food.  Of course, someone asked me what ferrets
ate.  I told them ferret food.  Someone else said they thought ferrets
only ate the faces off babies.  I said only in Orange County.  Say
something sarcastic and mean, get something sarcastic and mean right back.
Melissa Barnes
[Posted in FML issue 3659]