[Picture a black eyed white, big boy, long lush hair, super attached and
bonded to me and no other person or ferret.  Picture the happy little
quiet ferret minding his own business in his room.  Then the big bad
mommy comes in.]
"La, la la la laaaaa".  ::waddle waddle waddle::  Oh who's at the door?
Oh look its Mommy.  Mommy is here!  Boy oh boy... ::sniff sniff sniff::
Where'd all my brothers and sisters go?  (Loud snickering and giggling is
heard from hidey holes.)  Boy I love this being picked up and held... oh,
the kisses on the face.... gotta love those.  I can't believe everyone is
hiding.  I wonder why.  OH wow, we're going somewhere, how neat!  My mommy
is taking me somewhere.  Probably to be snuggled in aunt Kats afghan
upstairs.  Oh whats this place?  This is not upstairs.  Oh neat look
water.  I wanna lick!  ::licking mommys wet hand from the running faucet::
I just love my mommy more than anyone in the whole world, I trust her so
"Hey!  What's this on me?" ::stunned, blank look on the face:: "What's....
what's going..... MOMMY!  What are you doooooing Mommy?  Wh....whu...... "
::glub glub:: "OH Moooooooommy!!  Stop!" ::scramble scramble:: "Yuck yuck!
Mo...M....MOMMY!  I just had a ba... Mommy!  Yuck, smelly white stuff all
over me now." ::scramble scramble, pant pant::
Fine, maybe I can look really pathetic....and she'll feel so bad and
guilty she'll stop.  Okay.... here we go..... pathetic face commencing.
::Looking all pitiful:: Okay this is not working.  ::Looking even more
"Gosh.  Mommy!!" OH good finally, FINALLY it's done.  Here we go, she's
lifting me out now.  Okay.  Ooooo cold....oooo cold, cold, cold, cold.  Oh
nice, towel.  But wait.... oh no, now what?  "Mommy wh... wh...what are
you doing??  Mommy stooooop.... ::being rubbed all over and face being all
contorted with the rubbing:: "Mommy!  Let me do it... let ME do iiiiiiit!
Just ...here.... let me down and I'll sh.... ugh... MOMMY!" ::wiggle
wiggle wiggle:: "Just let me..  here... let me show you ..  let me...
MOMMY!  Let me DOWN!"
Oh finally down down down down down, ::BOOF goes the bristle tail::
::wipe wipe wipe, rub, more rubing, running, wiping, more rubbing:: OH I
can't get dry.  My "do" , my "do" is messed up now!  I can't get this
yucky shampoo smell off either.  Oh how stinky.  Oh look!  LOOK!
YESSSS.......... ::aiming, running, taking running dive into the litter
pan head first::
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[Posted in FML issue 3659]