A friend of mine just emailed me the "Ferret To Do List".  I'd like to add
the antics of some of my crew.
1.Break out of cage, setting all 5 of it's tenants free to roam while mom
is not home.
2. Knock over tupperware coffin of a freshly deceased fuzzy onto the
floor.  ( Guaranteed to give mom a bonafide heart attack.)
3. Break into cage of tiny Siberian Hamster ( that belonged to Zach),
chew until dead and hide in couch for mom to find when she gets home.
(This was the real show stopper)
4. Scamper down attic steps to greet her as if nothing is wrong.
5. Show mom the damage.....again as if we did nothing wrong.
6. Run for my fuzzy little life.
S.U.M.S. Rescue
Tara C. Radford wrote
>"Don't die with your music still in you..." Dr Wayne Dyer"
[Posted in FML issue 3658]