I agree with Vicky and the overall attitude towards pets in the US (maybe
abroad also, I dunno) is very poor.  Everything in this country is a toy
to be disgarded when it's purpose has been served.  Garbage mentality is a
great name for it.
Personally, if it were my kid, he'd keep them and have to continue taking
care of them.  It's called responsibility.  If he doesnt learn it now,
when will he?  He'll have kids some day and virtues like responsibility
and commitment will be important then, at the very least to pass on to his
own kids.
Sadly though I know I am being unrealistic.  Which is why this and many
other times of the year are known as "dumping season" at many ferret and
other animal shelters.
But it's not all bad.  If it werent for people dumping their ferrets I
would never have gotten my Roscoe and Cookie.
I realize my response is harsh but before I am criticized, how do you
"outgrow" a ferret?  I have 6 and I am in my 20s.  Am I immature or
[Posted in FML issue 3656]