Ferretsey (aka carolyn) wrote:
>On another note, some dimwit in our town apparently doesnt like the "I
>love Ferrets" bumper sticker on my car--must be a neighborhood doofus--as
>it has gradually been scrapping the bumper sticker off my car.  Please
>send a thought to the doofus that they, it, or whatever will cease this.
perhaps you should smear some bitter apple cream on the sticker??  next
time he screws with it, he will find that any chips, fries, crackers, etc.
that he eats afterwards taste quite unpleasant! ;)
or, get a new sticker, and adhere it to the inside of your windshield with
clear tape.
or dig a giant pit in your yard, cover it with grass and straw (snow?),
and park your car so that the bumper is strategically facing the trap.
just some ideas from the weezilarchy brigade....
as for the store where the fert is in the aquarium, i'm worried about the
other animals there, too!  if the ferret is in such unsuitable conditions,
what about the rodents, lagomorphs, birds, herps, etc?
i'm in sarasota, and might make a trip up there... but i'm somewhat afraid
my temper may get the better of me, and that could be bad.
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        \(_  \(_   ferrets may nip, but people just suck.
[Posted in FML issue 3656]