>She presented with this purplish mass on her ear - at first I thought
>it was a tick (she was a stray).  Its actually based on the flap of the
>ear.  The vet drained it and said the fluid was all blood cells, but it
>quickly refilled with fluid.  I'm planning on having it removed as soon
>as I clear a surgery day for her.
I have a similar problem.  My tiny, Dink, has had a greenish mass on her
ear ( I think it's green because it's growing where the tatoo is).  It is
on the flap of her ear as well.  The girl that dropped her off with me
said it's been there for 2 years and hasn't bothered her.  However,
although it doesn't seem to be hurting her in any way, I am still a bit
curious as to what this is or what may have caused it.  If I had a pic I
would post it too, but unforunately, I can't get Dinkers to hold still
long enough.  lol If anyone has had this sort of thing before, please
email me and let me know as to what it may be or what I might do.
Thank you,
Jennifer, Dink, Roo-Bear,Cupid,Squiggles,Stinker, and Raiea.
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[Posted in FML issue 3654]