WE've taken Max to the vets already we're taking him again on Monday,
because it doesn't seem to be growing back, and hes made himself a bit
more bald since we've gone to the vets, the vet put some liquid stuff on
the back of his neck for all paracites including fleas, Well the vet said
if that doesn't work we'l try something else, see what he might be ilergic
to...has any body any clues?
he is bald by his arms around his shoulders, across the back of his head
behind his ears...i think the underbelly is slightly scratched aswell, he
also scratches a lot..and explination?
well any help I would be perfectly happy
bye for now
love Kaye and the gang
missing Fluffy very much!
Kaye,Snowy, Fluffy, Taz, and Max!
ICQ Number 83438624
Where ever there's a smile there's a ferret or two :P
[Posted in FML issue 3652]