Thank You
I wrote that post in hopes that people would put out some stories about
what their fuzzbutts make them do.  I am still smiling and laughing.  It
makes me feel good to hear about others who are succumbed by that cute
little colorful innocent looking face.  Even though they are out to trick
us to do what they want.  And don't let a couple work together on
something, you can forget out.  I walked in their room with some mules on,
before I realized it, as I lifted my foot to move my shoe went the other
way with three of them.  I thought that was well maneuvered stunt they
did.  All in one action.  They were fast.  I had to put up a fight to get
it back.  Unfortunately, I can't look in their eyes all the time, because
I am bound to give in to the spell.  My 12 make my endorphins run high
everyday.  They too have their own room.  At the moment they are outside
on the porch along with everything that has fur or feathers.  It's too
nice a day to have them in.  That is my opinion.  I do realize some people
don't agree with letting them outside.  I already know the pros and cons.
But, it's my decision on how I raise my kids.  I stated this because there
in no need for someone to be contradictory to me about that issue.  The
fml has already gone through this subject before.  But, all in all, these
guys are the BOMB.
Have a Wonderful Day All and Kiss your Fuzzbutts everyday.
Benita and the RugRats
[Posted in FML issue 3678]