Alison -
I wouldn't ever taken them out with a dog collar.  We've taken ours out
frequently (we have 12) and some are good and some seem to fight the
harness the whole time but none of them would stay in just a collar.  They
back up to get out and would get out of a collar in a second.  Most of the
harnesses we have are cat harnesses that go around the neck and behind the
front legs.  The ones that are one long piece that loop around the neck
and then the front paws doesn't work either.  The best have two buckles,
one around the neck and one around the waist.  They do need to be tight.
If they can wiggle out they're not tight enough.  We once left for Des
Moines and discovered we left all the harnesses at home.  Don't get the
harness/leash combos.  I got cat harnesses at Petco and then went across
to Wal-Mart which was much cheaper for the leashes.  We also use a
splitter thing (like a Y) for 2 harnesses to 1 leash but sometimes
(usually) they don't want to go the same direction :-)
We made a bunch and used velco as the fasteners.  They are very
fashionable :-) Unfortunately they'll work for a few of them but those
who are determined can pull off the velcro.
Make double sure that they can't get off the leash before you take them
out in the snow.  Mine tunnel under and if they got their harness off
while under the snow I don't know how you'd ever find them.
Hope that helps.
P.S. If you don't get find what you need before the snow, bring some in
and put it in the bathtub :-)
[Posted in FML issue 3678]