Ferret Folks:
I have given shelter to a really sweet young female ferret, but I cannot
give her a forever home.  A friend found this little girl in her back yard
in RI, thin and dirty but unharmed.  She has been with me for two and a
half weeks and has gained weight and shown her delightful personality -
friendly, curious, and gentle.  She has had a thorough exam by the vet
and all her shots.  She was already neutered and descented.  The vet
estimated her age at 5 months, though she could be older and just very
small.  Although my friend has put up signs and placed ads in local
papers, no one has claimed this ferret.
My husband says our current three ferret boys are enough.  Can you give
this little girl a home?  We are in central Mass but I will drive a ways
to give her to someone who can keep her and love her.  Let me know if you
are interested.
Carolyn Mills
(and Zippy, Trevor and Teddy)
Plus the new girl for now. We call her Little Bit.
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[Posted in FML issue 3677]