Fellow FMLers,
Last October, I wrote to this list stating that my township, located on
the outskirts of Allentown,Pa., was adopting an exotic animal ban that
included ferrets.  I just wanted to thank everyone who guided me with
information and relevant web sites.  Without your invaluable help, I would
never have known what articles to present to the Board of Commissioners
to support the legalization of ferrets.  I made a point of attending every
open Commissioner's and Planning Board's meetings when they discussed the
animal ban.  Although I had some opposition at the last Commissioners
meeting from a woman representing "Coalition of Animal Rights", I'm
pleased to finally announce that domesticated ferrets are LEGAL in my
township.  That just goes to show you that one person, standing up for
what is right, really can make a difference.
Thanks again, to all you who have supported me, I wouldn't have had the =
nerve to do it without your encouragement.
Big sigh of relief and back to lurking,
Nancy and the"bad boys"
[Posted in FML issue 3676]