"Dook dook ::dance::  "dook dook dook dook"  ::dance dance::
Hi evwybody!  My name is Dippy!  My mommies fwiendz say I'm a widdle boy
cwazy.  ;:giggle:; I'm not though!  I'm not!
Ahem, anyway, I am so excited "dook dook", cuz I was on my Klub site and
saw dis page. ::dance dance:; I swear da cutest boy is on dis one page...
I bout died.  You should see his bright white mitts....and dat face!
::swoon:: He's dis big movie star.  "dook dook" Maybe yous heard of em?
Doodlebug from Northwest Airlinez?  Wow of course he's on da Kouri Fan
Klub site.  All da coolest ferretz is memberz ya know.  Anywayz I came
here to give you hiz page cuz he is so cute, and youz should read his
story.... its da most!
Serendipity ferret!
Please visit:
for information on ferret deafness:
[Posted in FML issue 3652]