How are her pets treated overall?  Does she really care about them, or
does she just "collect" them as "novelties"?  It's very important that
you understand the answer to this question so that you know how to
proceed.  If she really loves her animals and treats them well, then this
is most likely a case of lack of knowledge.  Honestly, I find that hard
to believe - you say she has met and interacted with your ferrets, so she
must have seen how you house and care for yours.  If, only the other hand,
her pets are collectibles, it is likely that nothing you say will change
her mind.
I would give her your spare stuff and make sure she uses it.  Do you
risk offending her?  Possibly, but I don't know this woman and can't say.
However, you have to ask yourself, do you really want to be friends with
someone who willfully mistreats her pets?  (I'm not saying this is the
case - see above.)  It sounds harsh, but that's the reality of the
Anyway, give her your spare stuff.  This is the way I see it.  She says
she doesn't have money for - for example - the proper litter.  She has to
replace it a some point doesn't she?  She has to spend the money at some
point, and when that happens she could buy the proper stuff intead of what
she has now.  Perhaps your spares will help tide her over until that time
Also gift her with a copy of "Ferrets for Dummies".  The purpose of this
is to show her that what you are telling her is true - not just the
unasked-for opinions of a nosy friend.
There is one more tactic you can use, but beware - this is going to end
up with her owning one less ferret, and you one more.  Explain to her
how much ferrets cost.  Dig up some old vet bills and show them to her.
Relate some FML and FHL stories of expensive surgeries and explain that
chances are, *most* ferrets will need surgery for something during their
lives.  If she can't afford to buy the proper litter (at less than $5 a
bag), I don't see how she is going to be able to afford proper vet care
for the little guy.
Good luck.  I hope you can make a difference.
Roger, Digger, Bear, and ferret-math rearing its masked little face...
[Posted in FML issue 3675]