One of my ferrets - Jaspa - has been caught eating soap too - Velvet soap
The 1st time she stole it and dragged it in the couch.  Trying to reach
it i saw her sitting there.  lick lick lick.  Musta tasted good cos she
wouldnt let me have it.  No matter where i put it shed either get it or
stand as close to it as poss until i put it somewhere else.
Another time she started biting chunks of it and hiding the bitten off
I dont think it's good for her to eat it....?  She hasnt had ( found!  )
any now for a while so alls good!
About digging carpet....All my ferrets do that!  they get under it and all
you hear is...scratch scratch dig dig...!!
Doesnt bother me tho cos we get lots of free carpet so i can change it
well hope this helped...a bit anyway!
- Hayley
Cas Jas My and Zep who are still not getting on well with each other :(
[Posted in FML issue 3675]