Hi all
I hope everyone had a good holiday and dat da New Year brings lots of good
health and prosperity for your little ones and no work for me.
A little guy named Pepsi came in today.  He waz met by Noble, Sterling and
Frolic.  Things were a little tense for a little while but kinda loosed
up after a bit.  They got down to da gossiping and old difficulties were
forgotten.  They were interested in da gossip and news from home.  They
sat and talked for some time.  Then it waz off to explore and see all da
sights and attractions.  I later seen them over in da fields looking
around for some cheweasels.  They found quite a few out there but I had to
go over and tell them to watch them carefully or them seem to disappear.
Maybe they are magical cheweasels.  They looked for some time and had to
come in for a break and a snack at da Fruit Bar.  Then it waz back to
running through da fields again.  He said to send lots of luv and kisses
to hiz mommy.
A little guy named Smokey came in later.  He waz met by Misti-Ferret and
Silver-Dude who were happy to see him.  They also sat and talked for some
time about this and dat at home.  Have to catch up on all da gossip you
know.  Then it waz off to explore and see all da sights and attractions.
Then they headed over to da Wrestling Matches as Smokey wanted to try hiz
paw at it.  He did very well to but there are some big guys over there.
He waz in several matches and won hiz share and lost some.  As to da male
in charge there is only one in charge and dat is me so he signed up for da
Bridge Guard here as just in case those nasty cats and dogs try to invade.
He said he will be right here when you get here and dat he misses you
bunches.  He said to send lots of luv and hugs and cuddles your way.
A little girl named Lioness came in later.  She waz met by Harvey and a
whole bunch of other little ones.  There waz quite a crowd here.  They
were happy to see her as they wanted to get caught up on all da news and
gossip.  There waz a lot to talk about as a lot had happened at home and
they talked for some time.  They had to take several breaks to da Fruit
Bar to refortify as everyone knows dat gossiping is hungry work.  Anyway
after they were done taking they all headed off togerther to show her da
sights and attractions.  Then it waz off to da Ferretone Flood where there
waz a lot of ferretone lapped up by all.  A few of them were pretty good
at da surfing part to although some were not to good and had to be licked
clean.  She said to send lots of luv and kisses and hugs to her mommy and
I am off to da party here tonight to bring in da New Year.  There is a big
ta-do here tonight.  Even da Big Boss is coming and I have to see he and
da other hoomans don't get their toes nipped.  Gotto go.
Bye BYe
[Posted in FML issue 3649]