You wrote:
>I really need some help.  I have found where I can get a 4 month shot of
>lupron through pharmacy arts for 198.00.  But the problems is that I have
>to have a prescription to get it.  Well, my vet can get it for me but his
>mark up is double.  Is there anyone who can write a prescription for me?
>I work at a wildlife center and the women who runs it could give him the
>shots...she was a vet tech and has to give animals injections daily.  I
>really need some help.  I cant pay 400.00 twice a year for this.  I just
>got married and I am overloaded with bills...I just spent over 500.00
>having his 2nd adrenal surgery so if anyone can help...please email me!!!!
I reply:
What you need to do is to contact your local general animal shelter, and
make them aware of your shelter (I assume that you are state licenced, of
course, since that will be essential in this regard.) and find out who
they use in case that vet may be able to donate this way or know another
who is able.
It's just not possible to expect a vet to make out a prescription sight
unseen since that would be a violation of their licences and oaths.
[Posted in FML issue 3674]