Hello all!
I'm going to be going to Bradford School in September.  I'm moving from
Erie, PA to Pittsburgh and was wondering about a few things...any help at
all would be appreciated.
1. Any vet recommendations?  I know of the ferret central list, but I'd
like some actual recommendations if possible.
2. Bradford is smack in the middle of downtown...does anyone know of any
laws or ordinances they have on ferrets, or limiting the number of pets
you can have?  (I know in Erie you are only allowed 5 or 6 animals,
something to that extent, but that's only in the city, not in the county).
3. Does anyone have any recommendations about pet friendly apartments
or whatnot in Pittsburgh?  I was looking at houses, but I plan on only
staying down there while I'm in school, so I'd rather rent.
4. I won't be moving until June at the earliest (I've got to graduate
high school first!) but I was wondering if there is anyone who lives in
Pittsburgh or who will live in Pittsburgh who would be interested in
sharing an apartment or house down there.  I've got 12 fuzzies and a
cat...depending on laws and all that any animals would be welcomed.
Thanks in advance!
Ellen (Mom to Bridget, Brandon, Zoe, Zeus, Cheech,
Chong, Chaos, Cujo, Clyde, Grandma, Bandit, Smokey and Molly-cat.)
[Posted in FML issue 3673]