Well, THIS sounds familiar.  fellah, I was in your position 7 years ago.
And you know what?  I STILL don't have ferrets.  My parents never did
change their mind, and I only reciently moved out.
Tricking your parents is NOT like convincing your parents.  Bringing a
ferret home and hiding it from them and then springing it on them will be
seen for the childish thing it is.  Your ferret will end up in a shelter
or tossed out so fast your head will spin.
Plus, the pet stores where I am won't sell an animal to a teenager without
their parents present or an assurance, if over 16, that they live away
from home.
If you're adopting one, they will NOT give it to you, period.  They want
to know the whole family wants a ferret, and they've had too many ferrets
dropped off by a mom or dad when the kid doesn't want it or doesn't have
time for it anymore or is leaving for college.  What you can do, which
will show you're all responsible like that, is be good with any pets your
family does have (if they have a cat and you never clean out the litter
box, you think they'll wanna give you a ferret?  If they have a dog and
you always complain about walking it, you think they'll wanna give you a
Next, find out which ferret shelter is near you and volunteer for a year.
I'm serious.  A year.  I didn't have time for this cause school was so
busy, and it made me realise I wouldn't have had time for my ferret
either.  It'll give you a real good idea on what ferret care is really
like, plus if you're great, the shelter owner will speak to your parents
too.  And at least you'll get to handle lots of ferrets.  Third, find out
as much as you can about ferrets.  Become the ferret mastah!  Research,
research research.  Knowledge is power.  Research the costs, like vet care
and food, and show your parents how you'll be able to pay for those.
Remember, this is a few hundred a year at least, and can get up to $1000 a
surgery if your ferret gets really sick.  Parents like to know you have a
plan for when that happens.
Finally, keep in mind that you'll be going to college sooner than you
think, and you may not be able to take the ferret with you.  Ferrets can
live for 10 years or more if you're lucky.  If you think that may happen
AT ALL, it's best just to wait the 3-4 years untill you're at school to
get the ferret.
Unfortunatly, all this might not work.  Your parents just might not like
ferrets, or they really might not think you can handle the pet even after
you've shown everyone else you can.  Well, that's life.  Believe me, if I
had gotten a ferret right when I wanted one, I wouldn't have known like a
10th of what I do about them.  So if you can't get one, wait, move out,
then get one.  DON'T be a sneak and get one.  It's just a bad idea.
Melissa Drake
[Posted in FML issue 3672]