Hello again.  I used to be a member of this list quite a while ago.
Without consulting me first, a friend gave me a ferret for christmas
(later told me it was because he was a biter and she couldn't handle him)
this annoyed me because I had a 3 month old son at the time!  I absolutly
LOVED my little Dante the wonder fuzzy.  But since he was a ardent nipper,
he had to stay in his cage most of the time because of the baby.  I
finnaly decided to let him go, it wasn't fair for him to be in his cage
all day.  The lady who got him swore she'd e-mail me regularly on how he
was doing.  after she took him home, I never heard from her again.  That
was over a year ago now.  While I was out buying some fish for our
aquaritm, I noticed a large ferret cage in the pet store.  Now I used to
work in a pet store (and yes they ARE horrible! the only time the animals
got cleaned or fed was when durring MY shift) and we had kittens in them.
But as i peeked in I saw a baby albino ferret.  He looked soooooo much li
ke my old wonder fuzzy I started crying right there.  I would have loved
to rescue him from that place (it looks like a good store, but so did the
one I worked for) but right now we don't have the money.  We just got a
car and are house hunting for our first home.  Once we are in our new
home, we will be getting a ferret or two.  It will take a while to get
everything I need for them (OMG fuzzies get spoiled with me around) My son
is now almost two and also loves ferrets (and animals of all kinds) he
blows 'em kisses whenever he see's one.
Though one thing is so very heartbreaking.  The friend who gave me my
ferret, had 4 of her own.  And she was NOT a good ferret mom.  Before you
pass judgement on me for saying that listlen to WHY I'm saying it.  Last I
heard from her (over 6 months ago, she is NO longer my friend) she decided
she didn't want them anymore so instead of giving them to a new home, SHE
heard about it.  They were such sweet fuzzies.  One of them (also named
Dante) was SO gentle that even when my son was only 3 monthes old, we
would (supervised of course) place Dante in my sons lap when he was in his
swing.  Dante would crawl up so he was laying agains my sons chest, lay
his little fuzzy head on my son's shouldar and just lay there.  it was so
sweet.  I told her, if she was EVER going to get rid of him I would take
him I would pay whatever she wanted anything to get him.  I loved him, and
he was so gental I knew he would be good with Zack (my son).  When I heard
that she just left him to die I wanted to do the same to her!  And I
called the humane society, but they said 'so, ferrets are wild anyway'
this was such a senceless tradgedy.  So people, PLEASE be careful, if you
ever have to give a ferret away, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE be careful who you
give them to!
Amanda Mrs.herfuzzy!
Deal not in the ways of the dragon, for thou art crunchy and taste good
with ketchup.
[Posted in FML issue 3672]