>First off, could someone maybe tape Weasels for me if it runs on Animal
>Planet again?  I don't get hose stations where I live and SO want to see
>it!  I'll gladly, um, send you my spare budgies in return (kidding).
>Also, I never would have thought this possible, but I encountered a person
>touting the benefits of feeding their ferrets DOG FOOD.  Apparently cat
>food is "too rich" and gives them runny stools.  Don't worry, I set them
>and the rest of the animal list (just in case someone follows that STUPID
>advice) straight on what ferrets eat.  It's bats (also kidding) ;>.
>Really, though, this is about the second dumbest thing I've read people
>feeding their ferrets.  The worst was hearing about someone giving their
>ferrets goat food.  Argg...
Replying to the above:
Hope the ones feeding dog food supplement with taurine and some other
things, otherwise it is just asking for blindness and possibly heart
[Posted in FML issue 3671]