My neighbor Mary came over to help me put up shelves today so the
HomeDepot crew will be able to get in here and rip out the tiles ruined
from the flood, and I will have things off the counters.  The kids were
thrilled that they had a visitor, and went bananas over her and her tool
box.  We spent some time sitting on the floor just letting them wear
themselves out in exploration, leaping, pushing, climbing, and sniffing.
Then we went to work.
At one point, while Mary was up on the step ladder, she screamed that
there was a ferret crawling up her, so I ran in and retrieved Chewy-who
was right next to the ladder.  He loves to crawl up and under pants.
Mary was still screaming with laughter.  I kissed Chewy and thought how
amusing he was to Mary, and wasn't that nice?  Mary stood on the top of
the ladder laughing and laughing.  Wow Chewy--Mary REALLY thinks that you
are funny!
Mary was trying to talk, but laughing so hard she was gasping on the
beginning of a word, then screaming.  Mary was turning beat red.  I kissed
Chewys head over and over again: Chewy-you must be the funniest ferret in
the world.
"NO NO ----------------still .............. there---------------
climb..................... bra!!!!!!!!!"!
I looked up, and there was Mary screaming with laughter with a humped
back.............................. that was Wriggling??!
I put Chewy down, and reached under Mary's shirt while watching her back
wriggle like crazy- and there was Mini-Me.
Mary was laughing and screaming so loud that I could not hear Mini-Me
chortling---but Mary could.  Talking, talking, talking as she crawled up
to Mary's fastenings in the back and began her migration ever upward.
(Mini-Me likes to scramble up to the top of peoples' heads.)
I saw Mary hours later after we had both run errands, and we just looked
at each other and burst out laughing.  She said that the best part was
listening to Mini-Me making those cute little talking noises all the
while she was busy tickling Mary and climbing her.
What a total stitch.
Another great ferret day.
[Posted in FML issue 3651]