>My ferret has really smelly ears.  I'd liken it to something close to old
>salami smell.  Right now I'm cleaning her ears about every day just using
>q-tips, and I always get a lot of wax.  What does every else use on their
>ferrets ears?  How common is this problem?  It just doesnt seem right
>that I should be doing this every day, not that I mind.  I'd appreciate
>any ideas you all could offer.
I have a ferret that has a lot of wax in his ears, and I've found it best
to not clean his ears as often as I clean my other ferret's ears.  If you
use q-tips every day you could actually make things worse!  If a human
were to use q-tips in her ear every day, she would get quite a lot of wax
In Sweden we use paraffinoil, just a few drops in each ear.  Then we let
it "rest" for a couple of days and the wax and dirt will "climb" to the
more visible parts of the ear, which makes it a whole lot easier cleaning
the ears.
I hope it can be solved!
Hakan Marsh
[Posted in FML issue 3668]