I have a very cute story to tell.  I was in a local convience store this
past week.  I handed the cashier my check with ferrets on it and started
talking to someone I knew.  I heard the cashier yelling..oh my God, look
at the rodents.  Everyone, clerks and customers(including me!) thought
she saw a rat or something when in reality she was waving my check I was
very nice and explained to her that they were not rodents but they were
ferrets, that I had seven and that I would not give them up for the world!
She then asked me if I could bring one in sometime so she could see and
feel one.  In the meantime everyone was waiting in line with either a big
grin or a dropped jaw as I gave my little speech.  I think it is very
important that we educate people about ferrets in that they are not
thanks for listening..
[Posted in FML issue 3668]