Forgive me that I'm composting my comments; I dont remember who asked
about these items, but I wanted to reply to them...
Re: Nail growth...all four of our ferrets grow their nails like crazy and
none of them have adrenal disease.  I wonder if whether you have carpet or
hard/linoleum floors have anything to do with it.  In other words, ferrets
with lots of carpeting wouldnt wear their nails down as much as those
with linoleum?  Just a thought.  I dont believe excessive nail growth has
anything to do with adrenal disease.  If so, all of ours have it and arent
showing the classic symptoms.
Re: Pine pellets being safe...we switched our litter from corn cob to
Feline Pine several months ago and they have been fine.  In fact, I
remember awhile ago on this list where a discussion came up about Feline
Pine and how rude some of their Customer Svc reps were.  I think whoever
posted ran a ferret shelter who was inquiring about discounts on bulk
purchases of Feline Pine for ferret shelters.  (they apparantly do this
for cat shelters).
Becky and Heather
Legal in Vermont as of 10/12/01  :)
Parents to fuzzies Abby, Ally, Andre and Annie (the A Team), Jack the cat
and Mendel and Madison, feeder mice rescued from the pet store.
[Posted in FML issue 3651]