Hi all
I think my hoomans puter problems are cleared up hopefully.
A Little guy named Domino came in today.  He waz met by Nickemus, Rivers,
Snoopy, Peanut Butter, and Mo.  They were real happy to see each other and
greeted him warmly.  They sat down for da usual gossip session.  They got
filled in on all da news and gossip.  They talked for some time.  They had
to take several breaks throughout da talking.  Then they figured they
would head over for a bigger snack at da Gravy Gourmet.  They ate quite a
bit of it too.  They went off for a quick tour and seen all da sights and
attractions.  Then they headed over to da Tube Races where they sat down
to watch all da fun and maybe pick up a few pointers.  After watching for
a while they headed over to da practice area to use some of what they had
seen.  He said to send lots of luv and anmy kisses and hugs to his mommy
along with some christmas cheer.
A little guy came named Charlie came in later.  He waz met by Roulette and
Syber.  They were real happy to see each other and there was a lot of
friendly wrestling.  Then it waz down to da gossip and news.  They talked
and talked.  I thought they would never get done.  They took a couple of
breaks too and went over to da Fruit Bar to sample everything there.
After they had talked forever they headed off to explore and see all da
sights and attraction.  Then they headed over to da Wrestling Matches to
watch some of da matches and cheer for their favorites.  They stayed for
quite some time and watched a lot.  They said they had picked up a lot of
pointers for da future.  Charlie said he was going into training for a
future match.  He said to send luv and and lots of kisses and holiday
A little girl named Pepe came in later.  I gace her da toutr and showed
her all da sights and attractions.  Then she headed over to da Fruit Bar
to grab a snack.  She sampled all da stuff there only in small portions.
Then she said she waz going to get a nap for later.  She woke up and
immediately headed over to da Ferretvite Festival to do some dancing and
lap up da ferretvite.  She said she waz really reasted and waz going to
dance da night away.  She had so many partners dat I lost count.  She also
lapped up a lot of da Ferretvite to.  After da place closed it waz back
to Hammock Have for a nap.  She said to send lots of luv an kisses to her
This is kinda unusual but I am going to degress a little and greet over da
past month or so and it will kinda run together but da one it is intended
for will understand.  My hooman kinda understands this as they have lost 3
in Sept. within 3 weeks of each other and it is sometimes hard to take.
A little one named Meeko came in.  She waz greeted by Abu who waz happy to
see them.  Then it waz da usual gossip and news session where they sat and
talked for a time.  Then they went off to explore and see all da sights
and attractions.  Then they headed over to Dirt Mountain to enlarge Abu's
den area for one more.  They dug for some time to get it just right.  Just
after they had got settled in they were called away to greet some one else
by yours truly.  Tookie arrived and waz met by Zima Belle, zues , Hera,
Meeho and Abu.  I made sure dat everyone knew each other and they sat down
to learn da news and such dat had happened in da short time.  They gave
da new one da tour and showed them all da sights and attractions, got a
bite to eat at da Fruit Bar and then headed back to Dirt Mountain for
more digging to enlarge for da new group.  Everyone worked well together
and they were soon done.  Unfortuaely they didn't get a chance to settle
in when they were again called away to greet another and Buzz came in.
They were all there to meet another new one.  They again sat down to catch
up on all da news and such.  Back over to Dirt mountain to again enlarge
and get settle in.  Again they were called away for another new one named
Pongo and also another was added named Daisy.  I made sure there waz
introductions all around and everyone knew each other.  They sat down to
catch up on da little news dat had happened.  They grabbed a snack at da
Babyfood Balconey and explore and show da new one all da attractions and
sights.  Then it waz back to Dirt Mountain to finsh da digging and get
settled in.  Some of them did da digging and some went over to da Sock
Steal Game to get their stash of socks and then they traded off and da
others Went over and stole their socks.  After a very hard and trying
time they finally all settled in as a family.  Even though it waz trying
for them they said they know it waz more trying for their mommy and she
waz not to worry as they are all doing well here.  Everyone said to send
lots of luv, kisses and cuddles to their mommy along with a Merry
I am off to da Hammock Haven to grab forty winks.  Gotto go.
Bye BYe
[Posted in FML issue 3634]