Hi Everyone,
I want to thank everyone for all the wonderful support and responses I got
on my little Ariel's sore heiney.  I am happy to report that he is doing
beautifully today.  We switched him to shredded newspaper(thank you Sukie)
and he along with his brother and sister love it.  They first play and dig
in it and have had no accidents since we changed them last night.  We had
been cleaning his butt with baby wipes with aloe and using vaseline 2x a
day for the past 3 days and it started to look better but by this morning
he looks back to normal.  He still has a slight protrusion but it is very
small.  I do believe he was scooting his butt through the clay litter,
getting litter stuck and also irritating the rectal area.  He would not
eat the moistened kibble so we left him on the dry which he does crunch
up very good and drinks plenty of water.  He is much more active now as
well.  His poop is more formed as well.
Thank you everyone for all your wonderful advice.  Had it not been for
this FML I might have gone crazy already :-).
Love & angel hugs
Debbie & her fur crew
[Posted in FML issue 3633]