>From:    Sandi <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: My response to Danielle Frye
>>I do wonder how it is that she is stating that I have nothing to do with
>>shelters here in Washington? Wow, are you spying on me? I do plenty for
>>ferrets and shelters
Sandi writes:
>No need to follow Danielle through the back alleys to spy on her.  All of
>the shelters here in Washington work together and know that she doesn't do
>any fostering (she says her hubby won't let her) and she has been nothing
>but detrimental to the established shelters here.
Okay, Sandi, now you are really digging yourself a bigger hole.  Number
one, just because I no longer help out with Liane's shelter or your
petstore, does not mean there are not other shelters I do help.  Not only
do I help locals here, but I send supplies and monetary donations (when I
can afford them) to shelters outside of Washington.  I should also mention
that there are shelters and rescue operations out there, that cannot stand
you and therefore you would have no contact nor would you be aware of what
they also do.  You started this one, not me.  Unfortunately, you have also
chosen to battle with a shelter operator in Colorado, who has experienced
the same thing that you have done to me on the FML.  Oh, and the "back
alleys" comment, that was priceless!
>>I have to resort to helping other shelters, doing some rescue and
Sandi writes:
>WHAT shelters?  I repeat, you are NOT working with any legitimate shelters
>here in Washington state and we're getting a bit annoyed that you're
>claiming otherwise.  Are you traveling out of state to help those "other
>shelters", if so, why hasn't one of those "other shelters" stepped forward
>and commended you for your good works?  Anyone?...Please give Danielle a
>big ATTA Girl for all of her help.
Ummmm....that is a silly point to make.  NO, I don't travel out of state
and I wasn't aware that in order to help out a shelter, you would have to
be physically present (gee, is this the only way to qualify as "helping",
I must be mistaken because I see pleas for supplies and donations all the
time).  I would also like to know what gives Sandi the authority to decide
what shelters and rescue operations here are "legitimate"?  In the past,
Sandi has attacked another shelter in my area run by someone who no longer
frequents the FML (probably why).  Sandi did not agree with him on issues
so decided to attack him.  I also recall a previous shelter volunteer who
took Sandi to court, but I wont go into details because I was not present
for the court date.  In addition, shelter operators generally don't post
who donates.  Why?  That would be very time-consuming.  When has Sandi
posted on here anything about thanking her volunteers or anyone who has
donated?  I just don't see it.  Many people like to remain anonymous so
that other shelter operators don't feel left out.
>>Are the Petcos you are dealing with the same ones who wont allow certain
>>people into their stores due to previous problems?
Sandi writes:
>Well, I know many won't allow you in.  Is that what you're referring to?
to have the store managers at each one verify this on the FML.  The main
stores I deal with wont allow a certain shelter operator into their store
because she owes them money for taking/fostering ferrets.  I believe this
is the same shelter operator that you send those ferrets that have
terminal illnesses that you cannot attend to.  I am happy she does this
for the sake of the ferrets but I am certainly not happy that you hand
them off because you don't have time or can't take care of them.  This
comes directly from a source you deal with, I refuse to name her since
you would then attack her as well.  She does not deserve the grief.
>>Have you spoken with the District Manager, Jim B?<
Sandi writes:
>Of course and well as the other district and regional managers.
I am calling Jim B and asking him if this is true.  I will post my results.
>>In addition, I recall you complaining at a WFA meeting that you are
>>seeing too many MF ferrets coming into your shelter.  At this meeting,
>>you said NOTHING regarding your notion that many are "fakes".<
Sandi writes:
>I only had the time to attend one WFA (now defunct organization) meeting.
>And you weren't there.  The meeting I attended had no discussion about MF
>ferrets, fakes or real.
Unless you are not sure what I look like, you were there.  I believe
there are a few others who can verify this.  It was you, Liane, Charleen,
Lorayne, and I.  It took place at Charleen's.  Either you are mistaken or
lying.  Charleen, would you like to verify this since you took the meeting
>Nope.  I will pass this on to the DM Jim B.  I am sure he will want to
>know who has told you this and take care of it himself.
Sandi writes:
>Sure, send him over, he can have copies of the paperwork.  It lists the
>PETCO store numbers.  If I haven't heard from your friend Jim by the end
>of next week, I'll report back to the FML.
I will get a hold of him.  He travels around plenty to stores and you
cannot possibly expect him to come visit you - you are not a Petco.  Most
likely, he will contact you.  I can also request that Sally, the VP at
Petco have a lengthy conversation with you about your experiences with
these MF fakes.
>>All the paperwork has accompanied the shipments I have seen at Petco and
>>no manager has EVER stated otherwise.  I really wonder why the store
>>managers would tell me one thing, and you something different.
Sandi writes:
>Yes, I find your claim interesting.
Good, so let's get to the bottom of it and resolve it through the DM.
>>I am in constant contact with them, are you?
Sandi writes:
>"Constant contact".  No of course not.  I have other things to do, such as
>adoptions, rescue and education.
Sandi is right on one thing, my husband prefers I don't bring any ferrets
into our home.  He is worried about germs and also the time that would be
possibly taken away from my own ferrets.  This is why when I do rescues or
assist shelters, the ferrets go directly to them.  However, I have done
plenty of fostering and rescuing within my home.  I am stretched to my
limits with ferret stuff, including writing articles, the symposium, and
now getting the whole MF ball rolling.  I am doing important things, so
don't discount that just because I am not a "shelter".  That would be like
saying that the FML moderator doesn't do anything for ferrets, which we
all know is NOT true.  I also work a full-time job but make time on the
weekends and after work to help out.  I would love to have my own shelter
in a seperate building and be able to make that my "full-time job" but
some of us cannot.  Until I win the lottery, or inherit lots of money, I
cannot undertake it and I just wont put ferrets in my garage due to the
elements and chemicals that are prevalent.
>>I am surprised that you would not get upset over being ignored.
Sandi writes:
>We have a sign here which says "Your emergency is not MY emergency."
>Businesses have their own set of priorities.  My priorities are not their
>priorities.  I did not ask them for a response and I have no reason to be
>upset.  MF has to deal with many issues and it's up to them to choose
>what's important and what's not.
Did you all get that?  Are you a business or a shelter, Sandi?  Does your
vet also have this sign up?  She is a business.
>>I will also bring this to their attention, since they promise to respond
>>within 24 hours.
Sandi writes:
>You do NOT have my permission to bring anything to MF's attention for me.
>If I wish to pursue something, *I'll* pursue it.
Peter has asked me to email him with ANY concerns regarding MF ferrets.  I
appreciate this.  You brought it up and now it is public.  If you are not
willing to voice it to someone who can make a difference, then you are no
better than those who are complainers and sit back and do nothing.  If you
wont step up, others will.
>>nothing to back it up. Do you see the difference? MF bashed Totally
>>Ferret food to me, with nothing to back it up. In my opinion, that is
>>bad business.
Sandi writes:
>As others have already stated, bad business is bashing other businesses
>with innuendos and absolutely no relevance to reality.
Exactly that, thank you for stating it.  Innuendos are often perceptions
of the individual.
Sandi writes:
>Now, if anyone would really like to help the shelters in Washington, we
>all need foster homes for some of our older ferrets and ferrets who
>temporarily need soup feeding.  We also need volunteers to help clean,
>do nails and clean ears.
And will you then post thank yous to them for doing so?  This way it will
be clear to everyone who is helping shelters and who is not.  LOL!
You keep dishing it out, Sandi, I can take it.  Now go spend the time you
have to post here on all those ferrets you have in your shelter.
[Moderator's note: You can both keep dishing it, but by my count this
has gone full circle on the FML so I'm afraid you'll have to dish it
OFF list -- it's turned personal, no longer ferret-related and no longer
appropriate for the FML.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 3632]