OK, guys, if your preference is to give actual physical gifts, that's your
preference...but I don't think that it's fair to be so negative and whiny
about shelter moms wanting donations sent to the ADV research in their
ferret's name.  I personally picked 2 off the ADV tree and I am happy to
do as they ask, but if that's not your preferred method of gift-giving
then skip it.  It's not mandatory, for Pete's sake.  It doesn't reflect
badly on you that you don't have extra funds or prefer to give a physical
gift.  What reflects badly on you is anonymous postings that criticize an
effort that is not only wonderful, but also literally a matter of life and
Not to demean the meaning of Christmas or anything, but let's be a
little realistic and remember that ferrets do not REALLY know that it is
Christmas!  Did you consider that most of the ADV ferrets probably HAVE
all the sleep-sacks, hammies, and toys that they can currently use?  If I
had terminal cancer or aids, and someone asked me what I'd like most, I
can easily see myself asking that they donate money to research that might
be able to halt or cure my disease rather than a new blanket or toy!!
Ferrets can't ask; and they don't know they have a disease, but the humans
who love them want to keep them around as long as possible.  That means
finding a cure...and finding one fast.
Please don't think, and especially don't imply, that somehow these
ferret's moms are cheating you out of the pleasure of gift-giving by
requesting a small donation to research in the hopes that a cure or at
least better treatment can be found.  A couple of you mention, "This may
be their last Christmas!" Well, money going toward ADV research that might
cure their disease could mean that it's NOT their last Christmas after
Like I said, if you don't particularly like the option, don't participate.
I can tell you, from having conversations with shelter moms and spending
time at shelters, that shelter ferrets may not have a forever home yet but
they do not go without toys, hammocks and soft blankets, so if they don't
get these items for Christmas, they are not sleeping without blankets and
playing without toys!  Shelters provide all the physical comforts for
these guys.  Most often, what the shelters most desperately want - funds
for surgeries and more funds for ferret health research - they have less
of.  That's why the ADV giving tree focuses on research funds, and I don't
doubt for a minute that the biggest Christmas wish of all those shelter
moms with ADV+ ferrets is that their furry kids enjoy many, many more
Christmases.  Which will not happen unless some funds go toward research.
It is wonderful and very generous to want to give hammocks and blankets
and toys to a shelter ferret.  Many shelters will be glad to get such
contributions and many ferrets will enjoy new toys and sleep-sacks this
Christmas.  The ADV giving tree is a small site, and the ferrets there
have been listed in the hope that a contribution can be made in their
name.  Don't want to?  That's fine.  But it seems pointless (and in
somewhat bad taste) to post and imply that this is a bad idea, that it's
depriving you and the ADV ferrets of all your Christmas joy.  There is
also no need to whine about the lack of ferret descriptions and imply that
it's depriving you of the fun of reading about each ferret.  I thought it
was too bad that Mary had to post and defend the ADV Giving Tree when it
is an absolutely wonderful idea.  As a ferret mom with ADV+ babies, she
could probably use some support rather than complaints about the gift she
chose to request for her ferrets.
BTW, all the ferrets I looked at on the ADV tree had at least a small
amount of info.  And even if it just had their name, so what??  They're
all ferrets in need or ferrets without a forever home.  In this time of
giving, that's all that mattered to me.  Shelter moms are extraordinarily,
insanely busy especially at this time of year when they're trying to do
all their holiday stuff as well as the neverending shelter work.  Perhaps
we can excuse them for not taking the time to post every needy ferret's
life story on the page!
Bottom line: don't agree, don't participate.  But please, Anonymouses,
kwitchercomplainin!  There is no need, especially at this holiday time,
when togetherness and support are so important, to post negatively about
something that is a very crucial effort.  The race to find treatments
and a cure for ADV is a race against time, and there is no benefit in
criticizing a shelter mom whose wish for her babies is that you contribute
to this cause.  No one is demanding that you agree to send a donation in
a ferret's name to ADV research, but don't ruin it for those of us who
support this wholeheartedly.  You're happy to donate hammocks and toys;
I'm happy to donate money to ADV research.  I wouldn't post and make
comments to try to make you feel like your donation is unimportant and in
bad taste; why do you want to make people feel bad about the wish for ADV
research funding and imply that it's not the best way to give an ADV+
ferret a happy holiday?
I hope all ferrets, everywhere, in good health and failing, have a
wondeful holiday filled with the people and treats they love best.
[Posted in FML issue 3632]