Hello everyone.  I've been receiving the FML for quite some time, but I
just "listen" and rarely post.  But, one of my babies recently crossed to
Rainbow Bridge this past Monday, December 10 and I am very sad :O(
His name was Cosmo, a very tiny male sable, and he was only 2 years old.
He was sooo friendly and gentle.  He wouldn't even bit a flea!  He left
behind his playmate Hailee who is a female cinnamon, a stray cat we took
in last year named Boots, and a new puppy we just got named Casper.
My home is very ferret proof, however, he was killed in a "freak
accident", but of course, I blame myself.  I was temporarily holding some
chairs for my sister until she settled on her new house next week, and
he tried to jump from one to another.  The backs of the chairs get very
narrow near the seat, and I found him stuck in the back of the chair.  I'm
assuming it crushed his little ribs... It wasn't his time to go yet!!!  I
keep telling myself that if I wasn't such a "nice" person and let the
chairs stay at my house, my Cosmo would be with me now.  If I only had
said, "No, I cannot keep the chairs here..."  Just like Steve posted, "I
should have, I should have, I should have..."  A little too late for that.
We buried him in the backyard and had a ceremony for him.  My daughter
(Alison, 5 years old) and I are going to the craft store this weekend and
getting some things to make him a marker.  Probably a nice cross.
Please say a prayer for my little guy, and I hope he is hanging out &
having fun with all the little guys that have been lost in the past!
Char Poehlman, Owned by...
Hailee - The Bad One
Cosmo - Playing at Rainbow Bridge...   :O(
Boots - The Stray Kitty
Casper - The Playful Pup
[Posted in FML issue 3632]