>From:    Danielle Frye <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: My conversation with President of MF
Interestingly enough, everything Pete told you is exactly what we have
been saying for years.
> "Why doesn't MF come forward and address the allegations people have
>  made?
>Answer: Peter told me in detail that most of the time, people will just
>take it out of context.  This is why emails have not been effective.  He
>also stated that anything he says will be used against him and has been
>in the past.  This is why his policy is not to put it in writing.
We have seen precisely the behavior Pete Reid mentioned.  Much of the
negative information floating about the net came out exactly that way.  We
attribute most of the distortions to one or two people.  Putting something
in writing to someone with an axe to grind is dangerous.
>"What happens to retired breeders?"
>Answer: Some are adopted out, some have gone to vet clinics so that the
>technicians can train on spay/neuter/descent procedures and then those
>ferrets are often adopted by the clinics.  He did say that some are
>My response to this was that MF could put a program together where these
>ferrets do not ever have to be euthanized.  I suggested that they could
>send these ferrets to shelters along with food and supplies (and continue
>to pay for this stuff until someone adopted them).  I told him that most
>shelter operators hate knowing that retired breeders are being put down
>for no reason and that this would also reflect well on MF - that they
>are trying.  He agreed to take this idea to the next meeting with the
You can NOT speak for shelters!  You do NOT run a shelter.  You have NOT
in any way been chosen by any shelter that I know of as a spokesperson.
Do NOT select yourself!  We are sure most shelter operators are unhappy
with the deaths of the retired breeders but you are not the one that can
volunteer our services.
This has been discussed several times.  Are you sure that those of us who
do run shelters are willing to take on the numbers of ferrets involved?  I
am quite sure that many of us can not possibly afford to do this.  We will
not do it for the small time hobby breeders, why should we do this for the
ranches?  If we insist on this for Marshall will we also do this for all
of the other ranches?  Most shelters are already heavily over loaded with
the sources of adoptable ferrets we already have.  This proposal will
greatly increase the work load of an already overburdened set of people
that do way too much as is.
>"How do you address the issue raised about MF fakes?"
>Answer: We have gone after distributors who have done this.  No, we don't
>believe it happens as often as some like to think.
This matches what we have said.
> "I am disturbed that unlicensed vets are performing surgeries on your
> ferrets."
>Answer: The animal technicians here do a better job than most vets.  It
>is much better than a private breeder doing it themselves without adequate
>supplies or a sanitary environment.  I told him that there have been
>many botched surgeries and that I just cannot agree on this issue.
This problem with botched surgeries is isolated geographically.  Why is
it such a problem in Washington but not elsewhere in the country?
Pete Reid is absolutely correct in his statements about technicians that
do this frequently and know ferrets well doing just fine.  Experience is
always important in getting the best job done.
Bill can relate this to the field he works in.  When he want cables built
or PC boards modified with "white wires" he will always ask a technician
OVER an engineer.  Engineers do not do this work as often.  They are more
educated just like veterinarians but they lack the very repetitive
experience in that very specialized task.
But a hobby breeder with only a few litters a year will not have the
training and experience of the technicians at Marshall (or the other
>If you really want answers, he is the person to contact.  He is the only
>one there I have spoken with that has been knowledgeable about ferrets.
You have had bad luck then.  We never talked to anyone that did not.  We
hope you were not so rude as to put Pete Reid on the spot like you
threatened to by asking him who we knew.  That seemed far too much like
you are continuing a pattern that resembles stalking of one of us.  We
wonder if Pete even knows everyone that talked to us?  LOL Do they have a
special form to fill out if they talked to one of us?  Is it filed in
triplicate with the president of the company.  But anyway...
>Just remember to have your questions already written and to remain calm.
>Being rude doesn't get you anywhere.  He has a quality assurance team
>and appreciates any feedback that will assist them in resolving issues.
All in all it is good that you have finally learned what many of us have
said for years.  Marshall Farms is a business and has to make some
decisions based on that and they will not agree with those of us that
only think of ferrets as pets.
They do indeed love ferrets there.  When you approach them in a reasonable
way they have always been reasonable in response.
Bill and Diane Killian
Zen and the Art of Ferrets
[Posted in FML issue 3631]