hi all
i may have a mite problem here...sebastien is very scratchy, often waking
up from deep sleep to scratch at her ears and shake her head (i've read
that this is normal to some extent, but her behaviour seems excessive).
the vet had a look inside and there was some dark wax, but it wasn't
oozing or evident from the outside.  she was on cleaning drops, but i've
now got her on drops to treat suspected mites.  the drops contain
diethanolamine fusidate, framycetin sulphate, nystatin, and prednisolone.
ok, so the problem is how to administer them effectively.  her ears are
soooo small and sensitive that half the time i don't know if i got any in
at all!  she's very wriggly (esp. her head) and the more i try, the more
distressed we become.  i warm the drops in my pocket before trying, and i
distract her with a licky treat but it's not really helping.  also, she
wakes up when i try to sneak some in.  if this doesn't work, i've been
told that the next step would be to sedate her to get a proper look
inside and i really want to avoid this.  i need your advice please!
thank you and season's greetings, whatever you choose to celebrate : )
[Posted in FML issue 3629]