My name is "A 'Lil Bit of Hope".  I asked my Mommy to type this for me.
I am a very special ferret~my Mommy tell me so all the time.  You see, I
have something called ADV.  It means I could get very sick at any time.
Right now I'm not passing this disease to anyone, but, many ferrets just
like me do.  They have to live all alone.  It's not their fault they have
this ADV-why are they being punished?
Anyway, My Uncle Kris and Auntie Mary from MKARESQ shelter decided that
they wanted to make us ferrets feel special this X-mas.  They put up a
Giving Tree for ADV ferrets like me where we could get Secret Santas.
It's on their site at
Of course my Mommy posted my pic and bio.
Well, the very next day this nice lady named Phyllis adopted me!  She sent
me all kinds of great presents.  A new sleepy sack, and some great toys,
which I have sufficiently stashed into my favorite hiding places so my
brothers and sisters won't find them.  It was sooooooo very nice of her.
Made my Mommy cry.  I think she liked it though.  She kept holding me so
very tight and telling me how special I am.
Now, 2 days later, this other really cool package came.  We don't know
who it's from.  Just some fellow ferrets who call themselves "The Crew of
Merry Mayhem".  They live someplace called Indiana.  They sent me a really
cool letter, some toys, treats, and a new red boot!  Mine was getting
kinda old.  Well, that got stashed immediately!  And I ate Craisens 'til I
burst!  Yummy!!  What a great Xmas this is-my best ever!  And then today,
My Aunt Kat sent me a beautiful, warm, hand-crocheted, red snuggly sack.
Red's my favorite color ya know!!  How did she know that?  Mommy told me
that she made each ADV fuzzy one!!  Wow!  That's a lot of work!!  I bet
just as much love went into each one.
Thank-you Uncle Kris and Auntie Mary from all us ADV kids~I love you~you've
made my Christmas very merry!
Thank-you Auntie Phyllis, Aunt Kat, and The Crew of Merry Mayhem for all
my special gifts.  My Mommy tells me I'm so special~now I know I am!
Love and Gooks,
***NOTE FROM HOPE'S MOM: Please adopt one of these kids.  It's made our
Xmas so very special.  I am so deeply touched by all the kindness.
[Posted in FML issue 3628]