Weeeee....look at dis!  Da Mom just showed me.  She has da leaky eyes
again and I looks....It's me da handsome boy!  Wow, wif my hero!!!!
Da Mom is leaky but she's got dis big smile so she's ok...wait...ok I
kissed her good and she's giggling again.
I looked at first and saw where I was wif all the Big guys and gals that I
want to grow up to be so we's can all help Shelter Kids and I go...boing,
boing..ok, I fall and bounce inta walls a lot but I jumps real high and
gets so excited ....
Ouch, bit my bum...didn't mean to bite so hard...dook, dook,
We are Santa to 3 shelter kids that gots presents (didn't want to part wif
da raisins but...ok) and we have been saving da pennies and not putting
dem in da hidey holes so we can send to S.O.S...Know what dat is???
My hero Kouri gives to S.O.S. and you should have a look too!
Da Mom says, every little bit helps.she could give a bigger bit of da good
stuff like french fries, ya know... talkin bout little bit!
Ok, gots ta run have to chase da cat, dumpt their water and try to help
da Mom wif her puter stuff.
Toby the Kouri Kanadian Rep.
[Posted in FML issue 3618]