>From:    Sukie Crandall <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: KP FHL cross-post, digest 493: eggs
>>Because I keep getting conflicting reports as to weather raw eggs are ok
>>for ferrets or not, I would like to know if feeding a small raw egg to
>>ferrets once or twice a week will predispose ferrets to this disease.
>>Thiamine Deficiency
>My biggest concern feeding raw anything is disease.  Salmonella is just
>nasty.  I prefer to recommend cooked egg, as opposed to raw.  A small
>amount of hard boiled or scrambled egg weekly should be just fine
When I posted my first letter on FHL I didn't realise it was going to be
discussed on so many other lists.
I have been feeding my ferrets on raw eggs once or twice a week for the
past 30 year and have not lost a ferret yet, all of my ferrets are living
to 10+ years, my oldest one at the moment is a jill born in the spring of
[Posted in FML issue 3624]